As with all spring breaks, the prelude to it is pretty killer. I've got plenty of work to keep me busy until my friend's plane lands on early Friday, but I think the build-up only makes the liberation only that much sweeter.
Tummy has still been iffy. I had a bunch of tests that came back fairly normal, so I'm on another new med, with a follow-up appt scheduled in a week and a half. The good news is that I've been feeling well enough to practice a little yoga. I pushed myself a little on Saturday with more headstand attempts and some serious back-bending poses, and was paying for it (in a happy "hurt-so-good" way) on Sunday. It feels great just to be moving again. I biked to school this morning, but felt really ill after 2 miles. I'm dying to go running, but I think I'm going to wait another week or so before I try doing that. I hope since I was doing 3-4 miles just a few weeks ago once I get back into the groove my endurance will bounce back quickly.
Ah well. Patience. Patience. Patience.
*breathes deeply*
Anywho, I've noticed my strength and flexibility have improved since November (when warmed up enough, I can touch my toes!! This is big for me...I have horribly tight hamstrings and an atrociously tight yay!). I feel like I'm going through a little growth spurt in my yoga practice and plan on starting a yoga blog where I can just write about my daily practices: the good, the not so good, and everything in between. It will be fun and fascinating to look back in a few years and read them, and watch as I grew/struggled/achieved into....well....whatever I am in a few years down the road, haha. I'll probably do the same with running, although I've been a runner for so long I don't notice too many things. Maybe I should. I've always considered myself to be an aware spirit, but there's probably always room to grow.
Ah, I don't even know if this post is making sense! Well whatever....I'm study-exhausted, and tired, and this new medicine is a little trippy.
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