Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! I think this is one of the best holidays of the season (and I'm a holiday junkie). Not only do you get to eat an amazing assortment of food (or even more exciting, cook it!), generally you get to take some time to rest on your haunches, relax with family and friends, watch a little football, and enjoy the simple pleasure of not doing anything. I don't think we as Americans do this often enough: be still and enjoy the simplicity of just being.

I'd like to take just a moment to honor this holiday and play the Thanksgiving Game by saying what this last year on earth has graced me with. You can never count your blessings too often. <3

I'm grateful that my old program allowed me to leave gracefully, and though the situation was unique and the time constraints tight, I was able get a degree. I am grateful for all of the help I'd received and all I'd learned from truly was a growing experience.

I'm grateful for my family and my close friends whom I still keep in touch with, no matter what the physical distance is between us, and who will never fail to be completely honest with me when I implore the truth. They love me as I am, and are not afraid to point out my faults and tell me when I'm wrong. That is love.

I'm grateful for the new friends I've been making, for my incredible luck in finding what I think are some of the greatest people in Austin to befriend. I am so grateful for that. :-)

I'm grateful for knowing when to let go and for learning how to deal. I've learned when to know that a person's chapter in your life is closed, and when things are no longer worth fighting for or worrying about. When it's time to turn the page, let go of any emotions (sadness/anger), and just accept and move on to a greater good.

I'm grateful (oh so very very grateful) that I've found a vocation that will make me happy. I'm more confident as this semester comes to a close that switching programs was not an "expensive mistake" as I originally feared it might be. I'm grateful to be under the training of one of the nation's top programs and to know over the next two and half years I will acquire the skills necessary to help people. To make a difference. Finally, finally, finally....I'm so grateful to understand the passion for a career that I've seen in people around me, and that I was jealous of. Finally, I understand.

I'm grateful to have found a lover who wants me just as I am. I'm grateful he understands my artistic, Fish-based nature. He appreciates my emotional sensitivity. He accepts my quirks: my compulsive baking, my delusional stalking of potential dogs on Craigslist, my eternally childlike outlook and my playfulness, my sense of adventure and inability to keep surprises, my clumsiness, the fact that I will always seem to run into the nearest wall/piece of furniture, and that I make a huge mess every time I eat anything.

I'm grateful that I live in what I think is one of the coolest cities in the country. I'm grateful that I've found the place in the world that is absolutely perfect for who I am right now. I'm grateful there is so much outdoorsy stuff to do, so many like-minded open individuals, and so much laid-back happiness. Honestly, I am deeply and incredibly in love with my city, and am so happy I came here. <3

Lastly, I'm grateful for myself, in a way. I know it sounds a little odd...but I'm grateful that I've gotten to know myself over the past two years. I've learned to live on my own, to be my own best friend. I've developed independence, and I know more about what I like and what I want. I'm happy that I've found a path to self-love, and am enjoying the journey along the way.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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